Owen Sound Little Theatre announces 2023-24 season
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Owen Sound Little Theatre has unveiled a jam-packed lineup for its 63rd season.
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The local community theatre company announced close to two dozen shows and events for the upcoming season, including its latest playbill of theatre productions, theatre arts company projects and a wide array of performances in its Roxy Presents Series.
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“OSLT is bringing back the popular One-Act plays, allowing new and returning directors and actors to gain experience on a smaller scale,” executive director Marcia Cunningham said in a news release. “Our playbill features three productions encompassing classic drama, poignant comedy, and a lively musical.”
Bite-Sized Theatre: One Act Plays will take place on Sept. 14-16 at the Roxy. The shorts on tap include Finger Food, directed by Sheilah Spurr, Please, No Flowers, directed by Gerrard Morrison, and A Marriage Proposal, directed by Val Underwood.
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The 2023-24 OSLT playbill opens with One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, directed by Corry Lapointe and taking the theatre stage on Nov 9-12 and 15-18. Other productions coming up next season are The Ladies Foursome, directed by Bill Murphy, running Feb. 8-11 and 14-17, and Something Rotten, directed by Kathleen Cassidy, and running April 11-14 and 18-20.
Cunningham said the Roxy Presents Series offers a diverse mix of comedy, circus acts, film screenings, and music performances by original artists and inspired tributes.
The series, made possible by funding from the Canada Arts Presentation Fund, includes: Middle Raged on Sept. 29; Early Morning Rain: The Legend of Gordon Lightfoot; Leisa Way and the Wayward Wind Band on Oct. 7; Twist of Fate: Lookup Theatre on Oct. 13 and 14; Rocky Horror Picture Show (Film) on Oct. 14; Stand-up Comedy Showcase with Laurie Elliott and Arthur Simeon on Oct. 21; Slocan Ramblers on Dec. 1; Choir! Choir! Choir! on Dec. 3; Maggie’s Wake: Spirit of the Season on Dec. 9; The Mudmen on Jan. 19; Acrobat: U2 Tribute on Feb. 23; Owen Sound Reel Festival with the TOM on March 2; Shipyard Kitchen: Tom Thomson’s Wake on May 3; and Classics Albums Live – Led Zeppelin II on May 4.
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The Roxy Young Company, supported in part by the Ontario Trillium Foundation and The Leflar Foundation, along with Kiwanis Owen Sound, has two sold out summer camps. The company is presenting Winnie The Pooh Kids camp shows on July 14 and 28.
The company is also offering Act 1 and Act 2 theatre classes, providing comprehensive training in all aspects of theatre, both on and off the stage. Act 1 runs from September to December 2023, while Act 2 runs from January to April 2024. The season concludes with a production of The Addams Family Young@Part, directed by Grace McRae, a one-hour version of the popular Broadway musical. Tickets and registration for their shows and programs are available for purchase.
The Roxy Star Company, a theatre program for adults living with complex needs, including intellectual, developmental, or physical disabilities, supported by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, is entering its second season in 23-24. Updates and information on that program will be made available at a later date.
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In addition to the lineup mentioned, the Roxy Theatre will continue to be host to various promoters, community groups and artists who will rent the venue for their shows.
Season flex passes are available to purchase, offering early bird pricing until Saturday. The passes provide patrons with three flexible tickets that can be used for any three of the OSLT productions. While the pass does not include tickets to the Bite-Sized Theatre plays, flex pass holders and OSLT members will receive a $5 discount to the one-act plays. Regular flex pass pricing applies after Saturday.
More information on the upcoming season is available at roxytheatre.ca. Tickets can be purchased on the website, by calling 519-371-2833 or visiting the box office at 251 9th St. E.
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